The Musical Zoo - All you need is Love

The Musical Zoo is here!

The Musical Zoo is the interactive musical child development for YOUR kids. We currently have active teams in California, Illinois and New York.

What is The Musical Zoo?

The Musical Zoo is about music, friendship, awareness raising and a good amount of sillyness. We work with real instruments like the guitar, viola, african drums and wooden shakers – no plastic, please! Of course we only employ real musicians who bring songs, activity games and stories about animals, a sweet little mouse, some magic tricks, a green cactus, a singing bowl, lots of colored feathers and a little make-up – voilà: The Musical Zoo – the interactive music theatre for kids who want to participate!

If you would like us to come visit your daycare, kindergarden, elementary school, or even your street fest or birthday party please contact us:

The interactive show is led by two musicians and lasts about 45 minutes.

The programm is designed for children ages 2-9, however, we are not too strict about our age policy, we welcome everybody who enjoys singing and dancing.

Have a musical day!

If you want The Musical Zoo to visit your Daycare or Elementary School Email us: